Weymouth Heights Club

January Ski Trip to Shawnee Peak

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Troop 2 Weymouth is gearing up for our annual Ski Trip to Shawnee Peak. This is a great event, loads of fun for the Boy Scouts, and runs over a 3 day period from January 8th to the 10th.
Cost is $135.00 per Boy Scout. All food is included, as are equipment rentals and lift tickets. Payment and paperwork are due by November 2nd.
If you have any questions, please see Charlie Clancy. 
Note: Accomodations are limited, and beds are "first come, first served" - if you pay late you are not guaranteed a bed, and may sleep on a cot.


Weymouth Heights Club 598 North St. Weymouth, MA 02189 781-331-6006